Idyllic pitches on the farm:

Your digital pitch guide for Italy, Austria & Slovenia

How it works

Spontaneous & free of charge in the spirit of appreciation 

Step 1

Become a member

Buy membership and get started immediately - access to the digital pitch guide for a full 365 days via app & web.

Step 3

Contact farm

Contact host:in & arrange arrival - spontaneously up to max. 2 days before arrival.

Step 5

Enjoy & shop

Enjoy the pitches for a maximum of 24 hours free of charge & thank us for our hospitality with a purchase from the farm. 

Get your membership now

Usable with motorhome, caravan and tent

Greenstop24 X Look at the countryside can be used with motorhome, camper van, caravan & tent.

Die Mitgliedschaft ist dein Zugang zu zahlreichen naturnahen Stellplätzen bei landwirtschaftlichen Betrieben in Italien, Österreich & Slowenien.

Du willst vor dem Kauf wissen, wo die Betriebe liegen?
Demokarte ansehen

Your membership

Limited availability

We limit the sale of our memberships in a sensible ratio to the number of our partner businesses so as not to overload the system, so that you can find enough free places.

  • Combi package

    Italy, Austria & Slovenia:

    Introductory price:


    instead of 99,90

    instead of € 84,90

    Individual packages

    • Individual package Italy (Greenstop 24):

      Introductory price:


    instead of € 39,90

    instead of 39.90

    Individual package Austria (Look at the country):


    instead of 24,90

    Individual package Slovenia (Začuti podeželje):


    Price/year incl. VAT Access valid for 365 days from purchase

    • Camping pitches close to nature for 24 hours each
    • (Organic) products directly from the farm
    • Digital access – start travelling now
    • Now new: Demo preview in the (web) app

Membership Schau aufs Land:

Limited availability

We limit the sale of our memberships in a sensible ratio to the number of our partner businesses so as not to overload the system, so that you can find enough free places.

Combi package

Italy, Austria & Slovenia:

Introductory price:


instead of 99,90

instead of € 85,90

Individual packages

Individual package Italy (Greenstop24):

Introductory price:


instead of € 39,90

instead of 39.90

Individual package Austria (Look at the country):


instead of 24,90

Individual package Slovenia (Začuti podeželje):


Price/year incl. VAT Access valid for 365 days from purchase

  • Camping pitches close to nature for 24 hours each
  • Buy (organic) products directly from the farm in return
  • Digital access via app - travel immediately
  • Now new: Demo preview in the (web) app
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